Interiors: Spring Has Sprung At Home

When the Spring arrives, soaking up a little sunshine becomes everything you need. Your home needs an overhaul as the weather warms up and it's totally okay to give it that attention to bring back the warmer tones, decor and accessories. Below, we've put together a guide to adding some spring into your step —and your home — in 2021.

By Team Savant

Image: Andrea Davis

Spring is just around the corner and that means it's time to start looking at your home interiors and your decor and swapping it all out for lighter items. It's not just a colour shift your home needs in the spring, but all of the measures that you put into place to keep the house warm need to all be stripped back and changed over. So, in the winter months you may have laid out some rugs to add texture and insulation to the rooms in the house, but in the spring and summer, you may need them to be put away. The sun streaming through the window can warm the house and you won't need it to feel stuffy.

Here’s what you can do to make your home feel lighter and ready to embrace spring:

  • Declutter. Folding away winter curtains and replacing the room with the best blinds that are lighter and brighter is a good place to start when it comes to getting the house ready for spring. You can declutter all of the winter decor and ornaments from around the house, too, and start considering how you can bring some lighter options to the home.

  • Colour. Those burgundy and brown tones need to all be replaced with pastels and white tones if possible. Your home should be comfortable and often the darker tones don't suit the seasons. They're great in the winter, but they're not so good in the spring months when you want to lighten the place up. Taking the time to repaint the walls or change out the chair covers will make a difference.

  • Add some flowers. Flowers in the spring? Oh, they brighten everything up. No matter what surface you are looking at, flowers will make it better. Choose seasonal flowers and beautiful vases and make sure that you add in some greenery while you're there, too. This will add some air purification qualities, and you will have something gorgeous to look at that remind you of the hotter months to come.

  • Add some art. Christmas artwork is beautiful, but there is no need to have Christmas themes in the home beyond the festive period. Swap the winter art for summer prints and really bring some sunshine into your house. You can do this beyond the lounge, too, by adding artwork that is reminiscent of beaches and sunshine into the corridors and bathrooms.

  • Rearrange everything. Creating a light, airy space is much easier when you consider that all you have to do is rearrange the furniture! Create physical space in your home and take a moment to plan out the rooms individually. When you do this, the rooms look bigger and better for all the new space you seem to have gained.