Cardio Doesn’t Have To Be Boring: Here Are A Few Ways You Can Spice It Up A Little

Increasing muscle mass and doing more fashionable workouts seem to be more popular. Some people absolutely adore cardio, but the grinding and grueling nature of it just doesn’t sit well with everyone. Fortunately, though, we can all make cardio workouts a lot more fun and easy to get through. Here are just a few ways to do it.

By Team Savant

At the end of the day, the majority of us find cardio exercise pretty dull. It’s a case of seeing how much your body can endure until you physically drop. It’s good for a few things. Firstly, your heart gets a boost. If you can strengthen your ticker, then that’s only a positive. You also burn calories at a high rate — this is also an excellent point to make. Finally, you become a lot more athletic overall and gain many mental and physical benefits during and after a session. All in all, cardio is brilliant for us — but so many people just cannot be bothered with the monotony of it all.

Change Up Exercises 

The idea of jogging for thirty minutes can put anyone off. It’s the same thing over and over again until you reach your home again or until the thirty minutes on the treadmill is up. If you have lots of different exercises in front of you, then you’re letting your mind become a little more stimulated. We like variety and hate the same thing over and over again. You’ll also become a lot more accomplished in different disciplines – which is a bonus. 

Walk Across Beautiful Areas

Walking can be seen as quite tedious for many, but it really isn’t if you have a wonderful place to explore. If you do a little research, you can find some of the Best Walks In The UK To Challenge Yourself and to create lovely memories in your mind. When you have a gorgeous landscape around you, it’s easier to forget that your legs become tired! Walking burns a lot more calories than you might think. It’s something most of us do every day without even thinking about, so it’s seen as something that might not be much of an exercise – it certainly is, though!

High Reps On Muscle-Building Exercises

If you like training with weights and heading to a gym, then cardio can be implemented there, too. It’s not strictly a hugely cardiovascular-oriented set of exercises, but they can certainly have a similar effect. Grabbing a lighter weight and doing plenty of reps will mean that you’re increasing your muscle endurance. Typically, twelve or fifteen reps are enough to build muscle. Going to around thirty – or even fifty – reps will be more of a cardio workout. 


If cardio for long, drawn-out intervals isn’t for you, then high-intensity interval training could be your go-to instead. This involved intense bursts of cardio work for short amounts of time. For example, you’ll sprint for thirty seconds and then walk (or jog lightly) for another thirty. Then repeat – or do a similar kind of sequence.