5 'Hygge' Bathroom Décor Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

When it comes beautiful designs, bathrooms seem to be the last thing on people’s minds. Above everything else, the crucial thing we associate with bathrooms is functionality (arguably even more than in the case of kitchens). However, this does not mean your bathroom cannot be the epitome of aesthetic harmony. If you plan to renovate your bathroom on the precipice of the New Year, here are 5 bathroom trends to watch out for in 2018.

Words: Diana Smith

1. Minimalism is Safe

It seems like the 90s were only yesterday – with their garish display of colours and ornamental furniture. However, things took a sharp turn in the first decade of the 21st century – minimalism became the basic form of interior design expression, and it looks like it is here to stay for quite a while. Simply speaking – minimalism is the style of our time. Even though trends change every year, you can always fall back on the timelessness of minimalism and the way it outlines the space to make it feel more grand and lavish.

Sharp edges and parallel lines with sparse, if any, use of colours can be a bit monotonous, but you can always add and subtract little pieces of ornamentation. Prevalent colors are white, grey and silver, with warmer variants of cream and sandstone. Marble and ceramic are the best choices.

2. Utility is Everything

No matter how you slice it, it is hard to do anything surprising these days when it comes to design. The only thing that might surprise anyone is adding décor that is not typically seen in those spaces. For example, you can add a grandfather clock to your bathroom – it is both unexpected but it serves a welcome purpose. The utility is everything these days – adding things for decoration’s sake is not in vogue and it is all about achieving the perfect balance between useful and cozy.

2018 is the year of unexpected combinations coupled with practicality and non-invasive colours. Let’s take the grandfather clock for example - oak wood combines perfectly with gray walls – they contrast sensibly but there is no overkill.

3. Industrial is Cutting Edge

An industrial design will still be with us in 2018. Embracing imperfections is part of what makes it appealing – it is a true-to-heart postmodern trend. Why would you conceal the piping or the rough and stained look of concrete walls if they can add unparalleled texture to your bathroom? Just make sure to add a stained-glass window that is large enough to bathe your industrial bathroom in natural light and put in a few tall plants for decoration, and you’ll end up with a space of cutting edge design.

4. Eclectic is Brave and Beautiful

If you want to create an eclectic feel in your bathroom, opt for elegant freestanding bathtubs. This way, the bathing area becomes something of a centerpiece. It will make the space look large and luxurious. In order to achieve a truly eclectic impact – combine the modern design of the tub with baroque vanity-sink and a towel cupboard. It can also go the other way around. The crucial effect you want to achieve is the contrast between antique and modern, ornate and minimalist.

5. Wooden Details

Wooden details are welcome design choices in every bathroom – they bring a touch of warmth that can help annul universally antiseptic feeling of bathrooms. Using wood as a dominating material in bathroom is not particularly popular at the moment, but you should never be ashamed to use your favourite shade of timber to enrich the design of your bathroom.

With nothing more than a kernel of knowledge about bathroom design trends and willingness to spend a bit of cash, you can run completely wild and create a bathroom that can rival even the most decorated parts of your house. Do not go overboard with megalomania in a way that can compromise the functionality and you will end up wishing to spend more time in your bathtub than on the living room couch.